Friday 22 June 2012

Final Blog

      This is the blog you asked us to do in response to how the course went.
      The classes were interesting and there was lots of information that you gave us, you were very thorough which is good. I learned a lot. That being said classes could become long as most often you would say exactly what was on the power point, so it often seemed like going to class was unnecessary as I could just read it at home on my own time. Although having to much info on the slides is better than not having enough or not posting them at all, that way if we did miss a class we could catch up fairly easily. I would have enjoyed it more and been more likely to come to class if I had had to take some notes through out the class.
      The work load was extremely heavy, I've never had a class with that much homework expected of us. If it had just been the blog and one of the reports or even one of the book reports and the song analysis that would have been plenty, but all of it on top of the readings was way to much work, especially for a 200 level course. I don't know about everyone else, but I was doing another class through U of C and one through Athabasca University, as well as working 30 hour weeks and it also takes me a hour to drive each way to school so with all of that I was pretty stressed and found I could not put the amount of work into any of the assignments that I would prefer to.
      Even the exam is a big deal, normally in a class you would get a 2 to 3 hour long exam, well I've just finished the first section and I started at 11 and it's now 2:30. That's again way more than I have ever had to do for any other university course, this is on top of having to study for another final which is also on Tuesday, and working on the weekend. This is why I prefer not to cook for a potluck, I just don't have time to do it.
      Again I want to make clear that I did enjoy the material that you gave us, and you obviously know the material, and enjoy teaching it, which is probably the most important aspect of a professor.

Tuesday 19 June 2012